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西澳大学的Conditional CoE政策

来源:兆龙留学时间:2018-04-16 点击量:


  1. 西澳大学免申请费政策延至2018年7月31日;

  2. 西澳大学Con-CoE政策:

  适用群体:目前国内大四在读、申请18年7月入学的学生, 且符合直接入读硕士课程的语言条件。




  "Conditional" COE's

  If you’re waiting on results, you can still get your student an eCOE!

  We understand that one of the biggest anxieties faced by new international students is obtaining a visa – a late visa grant can mean missing orientation and even class, making adapting to a new home in Perth more difficult.

  If you have a student with a conditional offer, in some cases a student can still get an eCOE whilst waiting to satisfy their conditions. These conditions include:

  Achieving specific scores or qualifications currently underway by the student (provided the student is well on track to meet our academic entry requirements)

  Original documentation being received by UWA, if colour digital versions have already been supplied

  Provision of national police clearances or medical testsHowever, the following conditions must be satisfied in order to receive an eCOE:

  Meeting English Language Competence (where no English package is in place)

  Provision of name change documentation

  Proof of Genuine Temporary Entrant status

  For students awaiting results to satisfy their conditions, the student will need to prove they have satisfied this condition no later than 3 weeks into their studies at UWA, meaning there may be a risk and cost involved for the student if they apply and have their visa granted, but do not meet their conditions once results are released. When a student satisfies their conditions, they should notify UWA immediately.

  If a student does not meet the conditions stated in their offer, the eCOE will be cancelled and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection will be notified. The student will be entitled to a refund as per UWA’s Refund Policy outlined on the student’s offer.

  Please note that at the discretion of UWA, an eCOE may be withheld even if the above applies, so the above information should be used as a guide only.

  3. 语言直升班 (CELT) 的申请至少在开课前12个工作日递交申请,接受语言offer并付款至少在开课前10个工作日。详情如下:

  CELT Application Deadlines

  If you have students requiring an English Language Bridging Course (BC) at our Centre for English Language Teaching (CELT) please note the following deadlines:

  Bridging Course applications: must be submitted at least 12 business days (Mon-Fri) prior to course commencement

  Offer acceptance and payment: must be at least 10 business days (Mon-Fri) prior to course commencement

  Special consideration may be given on a case by case basis. Onshore students with a current visa may apply and pay up to the day before course commencement. Students must arrive in time to commence on the course start date.

  4. 2018年高考直录的录取标准如下:



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