荣获US News & World Report杂志多次列为美国中西部优良大学
Peterson’s Guide 评鉴为全美[最具竞争力]之百年历史大学与优良学府。
荣获NCA(美国教育部中北部联盟,North Central Association of College and Schools)认可标准中的最高评鉴。
1、 经济与财经管理概论
2、 财务管理
3、 财政学
4、 组织架构
5、 人力资本管理
6、 世界沟通
7、 世界市场学
8、 危机管理
9、 科技化管理
1、 各地教育部认可的本科毕业生
2、 各地教育部认可大专(限五年制大学或三年制大专)相关商业科系毕业并具有三年相关工作经验。
1、 认真填妥的入学申请表
2、 最高学历毕业英文成绩单正本两份,需要用学校信封,若为专科转读本科,需要同时交高中和大学的成绩单。
3、 有效期为6个月的英文财力证明正本(约USD22,000以上的银行存款);由本人或亲友(请告知与本人之关系)出示。如欲携家眷前往就读者,请附上家眷之护照复印件,财力证明也需提高。
4、 申请人自我简介、个人背景及求学目标
5、 两封英语推荐信
6、 本人护照复印件
7、 专科毕业申请者,需附上3年相关工作经验的英文书面证明。
申请费: 150美元 报名时交,不可退还
SEVIS费:200美元 报名时交,不可退还(此服务可选择)
附: 2009 Fall MBA Course Descriptions
1. BUS 602 Managerial Economics and Finance 经济与财经管理概论
Focuses on the economic and financial principles required to operate a business. Principles are applied to analyzing quantitative graphs and various financial statements.
2. BUS 650 Controllership 财务管理
Examines methods of performance measurement and control systems for implementing strategy.
3. BUS 651 Treasury 财政学
Outlines financial techniques by applying theories, concepts, and quantitative methods of corporate finance to business operations.
4. BUS 616 Organizational Structures 组织架构
Focuses on organizational designs and the integration of strategy, structure, and processes necessary for an organization’s survival. Complexity of design ranges from individual business units to multiple interdependent operating units, and ultimately, large multidivisional and multinational organizations.
5. BUS 617 Human Capital Management 人力资本管理
Concentrates on relating human capital to business objectives. Focuses on acquiring, developing, managing and rewarding human capital in an organization to achieve optimal productivity and enhance knowledge by creating and using talent. The role of values and culture in an organization is also examined.
6.BUS 622 Global Communication 全球传达
Focuses on topics of intercultural communication, corporate culture, and effects of globalization issues on the business environment. Spotlights how communication technologies are employed to gain market advantage and how organizations apply knowledge management systems to compete effectively
7. BUS 624 Global Marketing 全球市场学
Emphasizes and develops the basic proficiencies of global marketing to enhance business growth. Analysis of fundamental strategies for use in formulating knowledgeable decisions in a global environment.
8. BUS 652 Problem Solving 危机处理
Focuses on and underscores the key strategies and tactics for managing conflicts and crises in a global business environment. Crisis management skills are developed and applied to problem solving in a global content. Crisis management templates are developed and utilized in conjunction with web resources. Trauma and post‐incident management, disaster response, and business recovery, as well as components of an innovative learning organization are covered.
9. BUS 681 Technology Management 科技化管理
Examines the issues related to the analysis, implementation, integration, and management of technologies in today’s digitally driven business environment. Examples and activities are drawn frommultiple disciplines of how technology, including Information Technology (IT), have transformed and is continuing to transform business enterprises, large and small, domestic and global. Attention is given to the managerial processes required to successfully support the enterprise’s goals and strategies.
10. BUS 690 Business Strategy 商业与策略
Focuses on the analysis and integration of internal and external factors associated with developing and implementing strategic direction. Business ethics, strategy planning methodologies, and the spectrum of competition are explored.
11. BUS 655 Business Modeling 商业模式
Outlines and emphasizes the formal integration of all disciplines into a business environment and the strategy needed to implement this integration. Key topics include the nature of competitive advantage and the development and implementation of strategy.
12. BUS 693 Professional Skills Practicum 专业技巧应用与实习
Incorporates the core concepts of the business curriculum into a final capstone project. Knowledge and skills acquired during the program are applied under faculty guidance within an approved framework. Students are encouraged to individualize their culminating experiences by developing and researching a global or experiential project. All projects require an application component.
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