什么是公共关系专业(Public Relations):
你是否知道这个领域要求很强的技巧和分析能力,并不仅仅是交流沟通技巧这么简单?一些学生认为公共关系是一项经济领域的 “软技能”;但是一个专业从事公共关系的人的职责绝不仅仅是维护企业形象,同时也包括展示所作的这些努力是如何影响企业的盈亏状况的。行之有效的公共关系工作需要对统计学非常熟悉,具有很强的研究能力,融资,以及传媒技术。
Fundamentals of public relations,Writing for mass media,Media planning,Principles of advertising,Public relations research,Public relations writing,Speech writing,Media law and ethics,Media campaigns,Visual communications and graphic design,Video production,Image management,Crisis management,Case studies in public relations managemen
美国的公共关系专业(Public Relations)大多数设置在传媒学院下,这个专业是向涉及写作、研究的机构提供信息传达的服务、向管理层提供建议、计划、执行并评估信息传达的活动、媒体联络、组织公众宣传活动等。现在越来越多的人想要把公共关系专业作为自己的职业发展方向,尤其女性居多。
Advertising, Journalism,Marketing,Music management,Public administration,Community organization/advocacy,Human resources management,Media studies,Graphic design,Organizational behavior studies,Hospitality administration and management,Science,technology and society;
1、University of Southern California;
2、New York University;
3、Boston University;
4、University of Miami
5、Purdue University
6、Syracuse University
7、Northwestern University
8、University of Florida
9、Michigan State University
10、University of Alabama
11、University of Texas–Austin
12、Marquette University
13、Auburn University
14、American University
1、University of Southern California
南加州大学的PR是比较注重于策略方面的学习,所以它的PR叫策略公共关系(Strategic Public Relations)。它的基础课程包括公关研究与评估、策略公共关系导论、策略公共关系管理、公关案例讨论、公共关系写作等,从课程设置上看,南加州的这个PR课程是能让学生学习到很多实际中所遇到公关问题的解决方案的。
School for communication & journalism,:Bachelor, 核心课程30 credits, GPA 3.0; master, strategic public relations, 6 core courses.
2、New York University
NYU的公共关系与企业传媒(Public Relations & Corporate Communications)与普通的公关专业有些不同,普通的公关专业一般所学的课程都比较泛,面面俱全,但相反NYU的这个专业有两个二级的专业细分方向,分别是public relations management和corporate and organizational communications。顾名思议,前者是针对企业外部的公共关系管理,而后者是针对企业内部的公关管理。专业里面设置有8门核心的课程,例如新闻媒介关系管理,公共关系写作,市场营销策略与危机处理策略等,其中也包括一些基础课程,例如公关理论与发展史,公关法律法规等。如果你本科已经是公关专业,已经学了很多有关公关的基础课程而希望在研究生阶段可以就某一研究领域深造的话,NYU的公共关系与企业传媒是值得考虑的。
3、Boston University
Boston的公共关系的课程设置给我的感觉是比较的基础,而且细分方向也比较的笼统。基础课程包括当代公共关系学、传媒理论、传媒调查、传媒关系和财务与策略管理。而专业细分方向为non-profit, corporate, and international.其实这三个细分方向的基础课程都一样,但根据你所选的electives不同而定位不一样。
College of communication, BS,Mass communication, Sdvertising&public relations, public relations, 32 courses, 17 must be in the liberal arts. MS, Public Relations, minimal 48 credit, 12 courses.
4、University of Miami
Miami的公共关系偏向于公关广告,关于广告的课程还是比较多的,例如国际广告与公共关系学、整合广告传媒、广告管理等。而且这个专业还涉及到一些非盈利组织和政府机构公共关系的管理,但是是以研讨会的形式进行。School of communication, Bachelor, 66 credits in the liberal arts and sciences, maximum33 credits in Mass Communication courses,120-credit University degree. Master, public relations(M.A, thesis), 30 credits; public relations(M.A, non-thesis),36 credits.
5、Purdue University
Purdue的公共关系与问题管理(Public Relations and Issue Management)是理论与实际相结合的一个课程,就像这个专业的名字“公共关系与问题管理”,前面的“公共关系”注重一些理论知识的学习,例如传媒理论与研究等课程,后面的“问题管理”注重培养学生对实际问题的分析与解决能力,这些问题的选材也比较的广,主要是有关政治的,国际关系管理的,公共卫生的,环境污染的,危机处理的等等。一般有关“问题管理”的课程学校都会采用小组讨论和案例分析的形式进行。虽然这个专业并没有很明确的细分方向划分,但是从导师的研究方向,我们可以看出学校的主要研究方向有Corporate rhetoric,Health campaigns, social marketing,Advertising,International advertising and communication,Ethnographic and critical studies和Health media campaigns。
Pubic Relations and Rhetorical Advocacy(修辞技巧) : College of Liberal Arts,BA
1)General communication--instead of focusing on a particular area, students may choose to study communication in general.
2)Human relations communication* - develops students' ability to analyze communication context, solve communication difficulties, and build productive relationships - both personal and professional. The concentration includes courses focused on managing conflict, providing support, leading and influencing others, and presenting oneself effectively.
3)Mass communication* - includes courses in professional and journalistic writing and news as strategic communication; the symbols created by mass communication and the role of mass media in society; and the translation of theory into media production in telecommunication areas such as video production, editing, and programming
4)Organizational communication* - focuses on the theory, concepts, and skills necessary to understand how communication functions in and between organizations; provides background in organizational development, communication training, personnel placement and assessment, supervision and management, labor relations, or internal communication systems development
5)Public relations and rhetorical advocacy* - includes topics in PR (persuasion, public relationships, and image repair); advertising theory and practice; reasoning, persuasion, and controversy; and the inter-related PR and advertising areas of a public communication campaign.
Public Relations:M.A.IUPUI(indiana university-purdue university indianapolis)两年或者三年,34.5 credit hours
3-7年工作经验,不要求本科专业背景,要求在IU School of Journalism 和IU's Kelley school of Business上课,有三个不同方向
1)General Public Relations Management
2)Public Relations in Health Care and Life Sciences
3)Sports Public Relations Management
课程:Public Relations Research and Evaluation,Public Relations Planning,Public Relations Campaigns,Public Relations Management,Public Relations Case Studies ,Theory,Public Relations Issues and Crisis Communication
Fall:July 15; spring :Oct. 15;summer:April 1;
6、Syracuse University
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. Public relations,bachelor,122 credits; master, 36 credits; dual master’s programs in public diplomacy(public relations, international relations) 58 credits; minors: 18 credits.
7、Northwestern University
西北大学的IMC(Integrated Marketing Communications)整合营销传媒课程是众所周知的了,它可以说是IMC之父。IMC的主要特点是它是一个交叉学科较多综合性较强的课程,它融合了市场营销、传媒、管理学、金融、统计学和组织行为学等学科的知识。除此之外,课程的重点是放在顾客需求分析、品牌策略、数据分析、国际经济等方面的研究上,而一些高级的课程会集合广告、公关、直销、电子商务等方面的知识。IMC的最大一个特色就是案例分析,里面的案例分析都是采用当今一些真实的案例,例如卡夫食品,GM,奔驰等。核心课程都是与Marketing密切相关的,例如有营销金融、营销管理、数据库营销与分析等等。而西北大学的这个IMC有三个细分的方向,分别是Advertising, Public Relations和DDE (Direct, Database and E-Commerce Marketing)。这三个方向的教学侧重点是不一样的,Advertising是侧重学习如何宣传企业,如何制定广告策划方案,PR是侧重学习如何有效地对外对内沟通从而树立企业的形象,而DDE是学习如何有效地利用各种传播工具和方法进行合理宣传。MS, IMC的几个方向,Brand & Advertising Strategy , Direct & Interactive , Marketing Analytics , Media Management ,Corporate Communications & Public Relations, core 11courses, major 5 courses. Bachelor, core 12 courses, major 6 courses.(4 quarters)
8、University of Florida
UF的公关是Mass Communication,大众传媒。UF的公共关系的课程多以理论知识学习为主,包括Public Relations Foundations,Public Relations Theories,Public Relations Research和Public Relations Management四门核心的课程,这些都是一些纯理论的课程,可能中间会穿插点研究调查吧。
1972年成形,College of Journalism and Communications,Bachelor,Hours for the Degree: 124,Specialization: Public Relations Technical Communications
9、Michigan State University
College of Communication Arts and Sciences:
Undergraduate Programs:Specialization in Public Relations
Department of Advertising, Public Relations and Retailing, is available to students majoring in Advertising, Communication, Environmental Studies and Agriscience with a concentration in communication, Journalism, James Madison, and Retailing
Master of Arts :Public Relations
At least 30 credits are required for the master's degree in public relations under either Plan A or Plan B.
Requirements for Both Plan A and Plan B (15 credits):
1. All of the following courses:
ADV 826 Advertising and Promotion Management 3
ADV 850 Public Relations Planning 3
ADV 860 Media Relations 3
COM 803 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods 3
MKT 805 Marketing Management 3
Additional Requirements for Plan A (15 credits):
1. The following course (4 to 6):
ADV 899 Master's Thesis Research 4 to 8
2. A minimum of 4 additional credits, as approved by the student’s academic advisor.
Additional Requirements for Plan B (15 credits):
1. Fifteen additional credits, as approved by the student’s academic advisor.
The final certifying examination is a written examination.
For additional information contact the Department of Advertising, Public Relations, and Retailing.
10、University of Alabama
UA的广告与公共关系(Advertising & Public Relations)研究生提供两种课程,一种是为期一年的,另一种是为期两年的。一年的课程是着重培养学生对广告与公关的理解能力,制定传媒策略能力,沟通能力以及计划、执行和评估传媒策略的能力;两年的课程主要是深层次地研究广告与公共关系知识以及通过做调查来丰富此领域的内容。两年的课程比较注重知识的学习,而比较缺少实践的课程。
College of Communication and information Sciences:Advertising and Public Relations:
BA:124 hours(在本学院完成至少80个学分,在文理学院修65个学分)at least 31 hours, and no more than 36 hours, in advertising (APR), public relations (APR), journalism (JN), mass communication (MC), and telecommunication and film (TCF) courses. Specific
Design Applications,Mechanics of Writing,Introduction to Public Relations,Visual Communication,Public Relations Writing,Public Relations Campaigns,,Advanced Public Relations Development ,Public Relations Management
M.A:Two programs are offered: (1) a two-year thesis program with specialization in advertising or public relations (Plan I), and (2) a one-year professional program combining advertising and public relations (Plan II).
11、University of Texas–Austin
UTA的公共关系是结合了公关、广告和商科的学习的。它主要是培养学生的领导能力,分析能力以及解决实际问题的能力。UTA的公共关系课程是属于实用型的,当然还是有一些理论课程,例如广告传媒导论,公共关系原理等。除此之外,还有一些比较实用的课程,例如新闻写作,公关策略,公关手段等。此课程提供四个concentrations,分别是Business Foundations Program,Women's Studies,Elements of Computing Program和United States Latino and Latin American Media Studies Concentration。College of communication, public relations, bs, 120 credit hours, 36-42 hours of major-specific coursework, 12 hours of Business courses, Fourth semester proficiency, or its equivalent, in a foreign language.
12、Marquette University
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