哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University),八大常春藤盟校之一,是一所位于美国纽约曼哈顿的世界顶级的私立研究型大学。哥大校园里走出5位美国开国元勋,奥巴马、罗斯福等四位美国总统,和34位各国元首、首脑,10位美国最高法院大法官。哥伦比亚大学拥有世界一流的法学院、商学院、医学院、新闻学院、工程学院等。2018年USNEWS排名No.5。
据哥大的发言人称,Class of 2022共收到40,203位学生递交的申请,而只录取咯2214人。录取率约为5.5%,招生人数仅比去年大约多30个名额,即使这样,追不上申请人数的创新高,申请者比去年增加了8%。那么究竟什么样的学生才能被哥大青睐呢?接下来我们看看这所藤校的选拔要求。
What Does Columbia Look For? 哥大需要什么样的学生?
How does the Admissions Committee distinguish among candidates?
The admissions process at Columbia is a "holistic" one, taking many factors into careful consideration. We do not rely on standardized testing and grades alone and instead look at all parts of every application to help inform our judgment. We read personal statements to try to understand each candidate and what motivates him or her. We read teacher recommendations carefully to understand a candidate's contributions in the classroom and what that candidate might offer his or her Columbia classmates.
Columbia follows a committee-based approach; no candidate is admitted to Columbia College or Engineering without discussion and examination of the application by multiple officers.
We look at a variety of factors to help us inform our decision on a candidate including:
The student's curriculum and grades - we hope to see that a student is challenging herself or himself with a rigorous course load.
The context of a particular candidate, including family circumstances, secondary school, community, interests and access to resources。The quality of a student's involvement in activities beyond the classroom
Recommendations - which provide evidence of intellectual curiosity and promise, classroom and school and community participation, and overall potential for the candidate to make an impact at Columbia, in the classroom and beyond
Every part of the application matters. In the end our goal is to find the students who are the best fit for Columbia. Each year, there are many more qualified applicants than there are places in our class. With such an appealing pool of applicants, it is the job of the admissions committee to get to know all students and select those that we believe will take greatest advantage of the unique Columbia experience and will offer something meaningful in return to the community.
哥大的校训为“In the light shall we see light.”可汉译为“借汝之光,得见光明”或“在上帝的神灵中我们寻求知识”,典出《旧约·诗篇》:“Quoniam apud te fons vitae in lumine tuo videbimus lumen”(拉丁文)。英译为:“For with there is the fountain of life; and in thy light we shall see light.”中文为:因你就是那生命之源;借着你的光,我们得见光明。校训具有浓烈的宗教气息,但它并不妨碍人们追求真理、寻找光明的决心和勇气。事实上,哥大在课程设置上特别设立了国际化(Globalization)、全品质(Total quality)、道德 (Ethics)和人力资源管理四大主题,所以有“21世纪课程”的美誉。
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