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来源:兆龙留学时间:2013-02-06 点击量:


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巴斯大学(University of Bath),是一所顶尖的英国大学,位于英格兰南部的巴斯,于1966年获得皇家特许状成立大学。无论在学校的建筑外观和发展前景上,巴斯大学都非常明确地力争现代化。根据英国各机构的最近十年公布的国内大学排行榜,巴斯大学被普遍认可为英国排行前十的大学之一。其中,26个学科中有20个位列全英前十。巴斯大学拥有广泛的高质量研究设备,并将持续投入以支持前沿科学研究。


巴斯大学管理学院在欧洲与全世界都处于领先地位,巴斯毕业生在毕业三年后工资增长达68%; 该校图书馆24小时开放,这在英国仅此一家;巴斯大学与工商界联系密切,毕业生为许多顶级企业看好,就业率为全英首列;拥有高规格的体育设施,是为在英国的海外运动员设立体育奖学金方案的第一所大学;口译笔译研究所是联合国最受推崇的三大同声翻译班之一,特别为原专业为英语专业或英语特别优秀的学生设计,课程期限仅为一年,该专业为欧洲议会特别拨款给巴斯大学所设立,志为联合国和欧洲议会输送优秀翻译人员。




City of Bath College

Chichester College(Near Brighton)

Greenwich College(London)

Wiltshire College(Salisbury)。



  (1) 17岁以上

  (2) 高中毕业,平均分在80分以上

  (3) 雅思5.5单科不低于5分;雅思5分,需要读5周语言课。












Department of Biology and Biochemistry 

BSc (hons) Biochemistry (3 year or 4 year with placement)
BSc (hons) Biology (3 year or 4 year with placement)
BSc (hons) Molecular and Cellular Biology (3 year or 4 year with placement) MBiol (hons)
Biology (4 years with 1 year placement) MBiol (hons) Molecular and Cellular Biology (4 years)
MBiochem (hons) Biochemistry (4 years)

Department of Mechanical Engineering 

MEng Aerospace Engineering (4 year or 5 year with placement)
MEng Automotive Engineering (4 year or 5 year with placement)
MEng Innovation and Engineering Design (4 year or 5 year with placement)
MEng Manufacturing (4 year or 5 year with placement)
MEng Mechanical Engineering (4 year or 5 year with placement)
MEng Medical Engineering (4 Year or 5 year with placement)

Department of Chemistry 

BSc Chemistry (3 year, 4 year with placement or 4 year with study-year abroad)
BSc Chemistry for Drug Discovery (3 year, 4 year with placement or 4 year with study-year abroad)
BSc Chemistry with Management (3 year, 4 year with placement or 4 year with study-year abroad)
Department of Computer Science
BSc Computer Science (3 year or 4 year with placement or study-year abroad)
BSc Computer Information Systems (3 year or 4 year with placement or study-year abroad)
BSc in Computing with Business (3 year or 4 year with placement or study-year abroad)
BSc in Computer Science and Mathematics (3 year or 4 year with placement or study-year abroad)
MComp in Computer Science (4 year or 5 year with placement or study-year abroad)

Department of Mathematical Sciences 

Master of Mathematics (4 year or 4 year study-year abroad)
BSc Mathematics (3 year or 4 year with placement or study-year abroad)
BSc Mathematical Sciences (3 year or 4 year with placement or study-year abroad)
BSc Mathematics & Statistics (3 year or 4 year with placement or study-year abroad)
BSc Statistics (3 year or 4 year with placement or study-year abroad)
Natural Sciences
BSc Natural Science (3 year full-time, 4 year with Placement, 4 year with Study Year Abroad)
MSci Natural Sciences (4 Year)
MSci Natural Sciences (4 Year or 5 Year with placement or Study Abroad)

Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 

MPharm Master of Pharmacy (4 year)
BSc Pharmacology (4 year)
Mpharmacol Master of Pharmacology (4 year)

Department of Physics 

BSc Physics (3 year, 4 year with placement or 4 year with study-year abroad)
BSc Physics with Computing (3 year, 4 year with placement or 4 year with study-year abroad)
BSc Mathematics and Physics (3 year, 4 year with placement or 4 year with study-year abroad)

Department of Chemical Engineering 

MEng Chemical Engineering (4 year or 5 year with placement)
MEng Biochemical Engineering (4 year or 5 year with placement)
BEng Chemical Engineering (3 year or 4 year with placement)
BEng Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering (3 year or 4 year with placement)

Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering 

MEng Civil & Architectural Engineering (4 year or 5 year thin sandwich)
MEng in Civil Engineering (4 year with industrial project work)
BEng in Civil Engineering (3 year or 4 year thin sandwich)

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering 

BEng Electronic and Communication Engineering (3 year or 4 year sandwich)
MEng Electronic and Communication Engineering (4 year or 5 year sandwich)
BEng Computers, Electronics and Communications (3 year or 4 year sandwich)
MEng Computers, Electronics and Communications (4 year or 5 year sandwich)
BEng Electrical Power Engineering (3 year or 4 year sandwich)
MEng Electrical Power Engineering (4 year or 5 year sandwich)
BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering (3 year or 4 year sandwich)
MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering (4 year or 5 year sandwich)
BEng Electronics with Space Science & Technology (3 year or 4 year sandwich)
MEng Electronics with Space Science & Technology (4 year or 5 year sandwich)

Department of Economics and International Development 

BSc Economics (3-year or 4-year with placement)
BSc Economics & Politics (3-year or 4-year with placement)
BSc Economics & International Development (3-year or 4-year with placement)

School of Management 

BSc Business Administration (4 year with placement)
BSc Accounting & Finance (3 year or 4 year with placement)
BSc International Management with a Modern Language(*) (4 year with placement)
*Students must also have an A in A2 level French, Spanish or German in order to progress from the Foundation Year)

Department of Social and Policy Sciences 

BSc Sociology and Social Policy (3 year or 4 year with placement)
BSc Sociology (3-year or 4 year with placement)
BSc Sociology with Human Resource Management (4 year with placement)
BSc Social Policy and Administration (3-year or 4 year with placement)
BSc Social Work & Applied Social Studies (3-year with placement)
BSc Social Sciences (3-year or 4 year with placement)

Department of Psychology 

BSc Psychology (4-year with placement)
School for Health
BSc Sport and Exercise Science (3 Year or 4 year with placement)

Department of European Studies and Modern Languages 

BSc Politics with Economics (3 year or 4 year with placement)
BA Politics and a European Language (Italian or Russian ONLY) (4 years with work placement/study placement/ teaching assistant)
BSc (Hons) Degree in Politics with International Relations (3 year or 4 year with placement)

Department of Education 

BA Education and International Development (3 Year or 4 Year with Professional Placement)
BA Childhood, Youth and Education Studies (3 Year or 4 Year with Professional Placement)



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联系电话:010-58702811 E-mail: partner@chinazhaolong.com


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