A $200 million upgrade to the United States-based gravitational wave detector network, which could help unravel some of the enduring mysteries of the universe, has had crucial components designed and installed by the University of Glasgow.
英国格拉斯哥大学Giles Hammond博士和Angus Bell博士刚刚从美国利文斯顿的激光干涉仪重力波瞭望台基地返回,在那里他们帮助安装了硅悬浮体。
The University of Glasgow's Dr Giles Hammond and Dr Angus Bell have just returned from the LIGO Livingston site, where they helped install the silica suspensions.
“通过测量重力波,我们希望能够更好地了解宇宙。探测重力波第一个最直接的发现是证实了广义相对论的预测。”Giles Hammond博士说。
“What we hope to achieve by measuring gravitational waves is to gain a greater understanding of the nature of the universe. The first direct detection of gravitational waves will be a spectacular confirmation of a key prediction of General Relativity. ” said by Dr Giles Hammond.
Giles Hammond博士又说“通过对天体物理学,宇宙学和基础物理学的发现,重力波天文学提供了对于探测和学习极端环境下和难以察觉的现象的特殊工具。”
Dr Giles Hammond added“Beyond this lie opportunities for discoveries in astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental physics, where gravitational wave astronomy provides unique tools for detecting and studying phenomena in extreme environments, unobservable by other means.”