

首页 > 英国 > 大学排名





1  Leeds 100 95.4 91.9 81.4 19.5 8 174 8 81
2  Lancaster 99.6 95.6 93 87.4 18.1 9 161 4 90
3  Warwick 98.9 90.9 83.9 63.5 17.2 10 184 8 86
4  London South Bank 95.3 100 95 81.5 18.1 4 92 10 78
5  Loughborough 95.1 94.5 91.3 73.2 19.7 7 155 8 92
6  UEA 94.8 97.6 85.8 82.4 16.4 4 145 9 87
7  Nottingham 94.3 92 88.4 71.9 14.4 8 156 5 85
8  Heriot-Watt 92.7 89.6 85.6 68.9 24.8 10 154 9 88
9  Surrey 92.1 93 90.6 85.7 23.9 5 168 7 76
10  Glasgow 92 94.3 91.2 67.3 22.3 7 210 6 85
11  Durham 90.8 86.8 77.1 73.8 19.6 7 172 8 91
12  Strathclyde 90.7 90.1 88.9 70.5 25.2 7 213 9 76
12  UCL 90.7 73.7 76.5 65.1 16.4 10 202 8 n/a
14  Buckingham 89.7 96 91.1 83.4 10.2 6 106 3 n/a
15  Exeter 89.6 92.8 89.1 79.2 22 5 174 5 86
16  Queen's, Belfast 89.4 95.6 92.9 81.4 21.2 4 160 5 90
17  Reading 89 88.2 91.4 81.1 19 n/a 144 7 n/a
18  Bath 87.6 85.1 80 68.1 17.8 8 182 6 81
19  Manchester 87.2 85.1 79.2 65.8 14.2 10 160 4 70
20  Birmingham 87 86.5 81.6 68.2 18.9 9 155 7 86
21  Chester 86.3 90.9 89.7 87.3 15.2 4 99 3 82
22  City 86.1 85.2 81.2 68.4 23 10 161 7 77
23  Coventry 84.7 93.8 91.4 83 18.1 6 121 7 70
23  Queen Mary 84.7 92 90.8 76 20.3 8 155 5 n/a
25  Swansea 84.6 96 87.8 84.8 25.2 6 119 8 n/a
26  Portsmouth 84.5 90.2 84.2 76.3 15.1 6 126 8 69
27  Sunderland 83.9 94 91.5 75.7 17.8 10 107 5 n/a
28  London School of Economics 82.6 75.7 76.2 54 14.1 10 193 3 n/a
28  Ulster 82.6 97.9 93.9 87.5 27.7 3 131 7 80
30  Abertay Dundee 81.8 94.5 86 75.7 21.3 2 166 8 n/a
31  Nottingham Trent 81.7 88.8 83.7 81.4 16.7 4 135 5 84
32  Staffordshire 81.3 97 96.5 84 15.7 5 105 8 36
33  East London 81 86.1 88.7 81.4 19 4 92 10 64
34  Dundee 80.6 86.6 81.2 64.3 16.5 7 169 2 89
35  Newcastle 80.2 92.9 85.3 72.2 23.2 5 162 5 85
36  Kent 80.1 87.9 82.6 73.4 20.4 4 147 5 87
37  Sheffield 80 86.9 84.3 74.5 20.2 6 149 3 88
38  Hull 79.7 85.5 79.8 75.1 16.1 8 115 5 74
39  Edinburgh 79.5 74.4 72.5 58.7 18 10 184 6 66
40  Derby 79.4 91 87.5 74.9 14.9 6 99 9 51
40  Plymouth 79.4 94.9 92 83 19.5 5 120 7 54
42  Bradford 79 88 84 73 16.6 8 136 5 62
43  Bristol 78.5 87.4 85 66.2 17.5 5 171 3 73
44  Central Lancashire 78.4 90.5 87.6 82.6 18 4 128 4 n/a
45  Cardiff 78.1 87.8 76.8 72.5 15.1 6 146 3 74
46  Edge Hill 77.4 95 92.4 84.1 19.3 3 116 4 65
46  Leicester 77.4 81.1 84.6 73.9 15.6 7 136 3 n/a
48  Bangor 77 93.8 86.4 83.5 26.1 4 115 5 79
49  Aberystwyth 76 95.5 84.4 84.5 18.7 3 101 3 78
49  Stirling 76 90.5 87.1 75.5 19.4 4 166 4 n/a
51  Aston 75.7 91.3 90.8 79.6 26.5 7 140 5 n/a
52  Gloucestershire 75.5 90 89.8 78.6 21.3 5 111 7 n/a
53  Liverpool John Moores 74.9 96 93.3 84.9 20.8 3 128 2 68
54  Aberdeen 74.4 77 72.8 61.6 21.5 4 179 7 84
55  UWE Bristol 74.1 89.4 90.6 75.1 21.1 3 110 5 73
56  Salford 73.2 94.5 90.7 82 25 4 108 8 53
57  Greenwich 73.1 90.8 83.2 75.5 21.1 3 129 9 51
58  Liverpool 72.9 93.7 90.6 85.7 29.4 5 150 5 61
59  Northumbria 72.8 89 86.8 70.1 23.3 3 138 7 72
59  Southampton 72.8 86 79.3 71.7 19.9 5 146 2 82
61  Royal Holloway 72 86 92.5 78.6 18 5 126 n/a n/a
62  Worcester 71.5 79.1 83 65.6 18.7 3 111 8 n/a
63  Hertfordshire 70.5 87.6 87.2 73.1 18.8 4 115 3 66
64  Winchester 70.2 79 80.8 78.4 19.4 3 n/a 8 n/a
65  Keele 70.1 96.5 88.2 79.1 23.6 4 124 2 n/a
66  Huddersfield 69.8 89.9 84 77.7 19.8 3 130 2 75
67  Kingston 69.7 88.8 78 75.4 23.7 7 110 8 45
67  Teesside 69.7 94 81.2 81.9 17.3 6 103 2 n/a
69  Roehampton 69.4 78 76.6 64 16.6 7 103 7 n/a
70  Glasgow Caledonian 69.3 93.8 87.3 64.6 25 4 165 6 64
71  Westminster 69.1 87.4 82.5 73.7 23.1 4 129 7 51
72  West London 68.7 84.8 85 78.4 22 4 97 8 57
73  Middlesex 68.6 84.3 82 77.5 18.1 5 106 5 61
74  Robert Gordon 68.3 94 81.5 73 22.5 3 180 1 74
74  South Wales 68.3 93 82.4 78.9 23.7 3 106 3 77
76  Leeds Beckett 68.2 95 90.3 73.8 26 4 105 6 63
77  Oxford Brookes 67.9 94.1 84.9 70.9 20 4 122 4 59
78  Cardiff Met 67.8 83.5 80.5 70.8 20.7 4 93 3 77
79  Liverpool Hope 67.2 70 70.8 68.5 15.6 3 108 6 n/a
80  Brunel 67 82.6 74.9 70.9 28 6 116 8 73
81  Birkbeck 66.5 90 85.1 65.8 23 3 93 6 n/a
81  Essex 66.5 87.9 83.3 74.8 18.8 4 127 2 68
83  De Montfort 66.4 91 86.1 81.7 34.3 3 107 7 82
84  Manchester Met 65.7 90.5 85.1 71.3 22.6 4 126 4 62
84  Sheffield Hallam 65.7 79.5 80.1 67.3 18.2 5 113 4 69
86  Edinburgh Napier 65.6 92.3 88.8 80.3 25.9 4 138 4 52
87  Sussex 65.5 83.9 82.4 72.9 19.3 9 133 1 n/a
88  Bournemouth 64.5 80.6 81.9 55.6 18.8 4 112 7 63
89  West of Scotland 64.3 90 87.3 73 30.6 3 131 8 58
90  Glyndwr 63.5 81.3 87 79.4 30.4 3 n/a 6 n/a
91  Lincoln 62.7 93.5 87.4 78 23.7 3 115 1 71
92  Northampton 61.3 79.5 77.9 68.2 22.9 4 98 10 37
93  Anglia Ruskin 60.2 71.7 81.2 63 20.8 8 83 8 48
94  London Met 59.2 86.1 80.2 72.1 20.3 3 97 4 55
95  Bath Spa 58.2 83 83 79.1 28.2 3 120 n/a n/a
96  Brighton 55.3 66.7 69.9 59.8 20.8 3 110 4 72
97  Chichester 54.2 81.1 81.6 69.6 19.3 3 95 1 n/a
98  Birmingham City 53.1 90.9 84 71.9 32.2 4 99 7 50
99  Southampton Solent 53 90.1 78.3 66.2 23.2 4 87 7 51
100  Canterbury Christ Church 49.5 90.1 85.5 73 25.1 4 101 3 35
101  Bedfordshire 38.8 62.7 63.3 56.3 25.9 5 80 7 45
102  Bucks New University 37.7 72.5 80.2 66.4 25.4 6 105 1 42




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